Saturday, 30 March 2013

Peg 6 @ Kestrel

I arrived @ 07:00 with two swims left. I am fishing peg 6 and Mark is fishing peg 5. We are both set-up and have fishing since 08:00

It has been slowly warming up with it being 3 degrees Celsius now, it is due to rise to 5 degrees Celsius around midday although remaining overcast.

I am fishing both Rods over Viltalin and wheat close to the RHS bank;
Rod 1: Nut mix boilie and loose fees maize.
Rod 2: CC Moore Northern Special Wafter.

Mark has sent his bait boat out in the island bay and RHS point with sweetcorn and Nut mix boilies.
Rod 1: Pop-up Maize.
Rod 2: 15mm mainline Cell and pop-up banoffee corn.

1 comment:

  1. Got a bite on Rod 2 @ around 11:30 (NS Wafter) but nothing more between us.

    We both re-baited @ 13:00.
    Rod 1: Pop-up maize.
    Rod 2: Real double maize.

    Me (Shorty);
    Rod 1: Nut mix boilie (Pre soaked in tiger nut extract)
    Rod 2: neutrally buoyant pop-up sweetcorn.

    All rods have had a small amount of local loose feed added also and the deliverance ballmaker tested out....... It's uber pony!
